Liberty Place Tenants Association
What is a Tenants Association?
A Tenants Association is set up where a group of leaseholders have come together to better represent their common interests to their shared landlord. Any single Tenants Association is usually confined to one housing estate, block, or building. Once recognized, Tenants Associations have powers that individual leaseholders do not:
To request a summary of their members’ service charges incurred by the landlord
To inspect the relevant accounts and receipts related to those service charges
To view insurance cover and inspect the policy
To view estimates obtained by the landlord for long-term agreements or intended works
To nominate contractors to be invited to tender when the landlord wishes to enter a long-term agreement or carry out qualifying works
There are additional powers which can be extremely useful and which are statutory, though the cost of exercising them falls on members of the Association:
To appoint a qualified surveyor who then has a right to access documents and premises so as to advise the RTA on service charges, including relevant documents belonging to a contractor.
To appoint a qualified accountant or surveyor to audit the service charge accounts.
What can you do to help? Join us!
- your name and apartment number
- just an affirmative "sign me up!" or "I am interested in joining"
- optional - the email you prefer to be contacted by (if not the one you're sending from)
We will get in contact with you as soon as we can with how to proceed.
What does membership mean?
Right now, it's just a numbers game. We need at least half the qualifying leaseholders^ in our block to participate before we can make any meaningful change. We have 67 flats in the block so that's 34 units. We need 34 flats to participate. The only way we're going to get there is by spreading the word in our building.
The devil is in the details, so they say: Objectives:
represent the leaseholders on matters of common interest;
to consult with the freeholder and/or its managing agent;
to preserve and improve, where required, the amenities enjoyed by leaseholders;
for the purpose of aforesaid, to employ solicitors, counsel, surveyors, engineers, accountants and other professional or qualified persons to advise the Association;
to do such other things, ancillary to the preceding objects, as may seem desirable to the Association.
^ if you're paying ground rent to Tetherstone (our freeholder) you are probably a "qualifying leaseholder"
It is free - Becoming a member will cost you nothing and there is no time commitment.
Benefits everyone - Whether your flat here is your home or an investment, there is no question that having a well-maintained building is important. Let's do this together!